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অকণিৰ গল্পৰ সম্ভাৰ

কন-কন শিশু সকলে ভাল পোৱা কিছুমান সৰু সৰু বিষয়কলৈ কাহিনী বিলাক লিখা হৈছে। লগতে শিশুৱে ভাল পোৱা ছৱিও দিয়া হৈছে। এইবিলাকে শিশুক পঢ়িবলৈ উৎসাহ যোগাব। শিশুক কাহিনী বিলাক পঢ়িবলৈ দিয়ক চোন। (The booklet has been developed keeping in mind the interest areas of young children. Colourful illustrations have been added that might catch the interest of children. This is a small effort towards encouraging children to read. Lets now read these stories along with children and see how they respond to them.) The author and illustrator of this book is the Pratham Assam Team.